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New mentor gift

Until end of May

As a mentor, one has to do many different things: motivate, advise, provide orientation, encourage, offer personality coaching… for mentors, new Partners are like “protégés” whom they help and advise, work with to achieve goals, and with whom they celebrate successes.

We are overwhelmed by your performance and the current rush of people signing up as new Partners. Owing to the high number of new Partners we have been forced to change our motivation booster for mentors. Instead of the mentoring Soulbottle, our thank-you for the untiring efforts of all our mentors who acquire a new team member by 31 May 2020 will be 1x free tin of RINGANAchi__ gums*!

*This offer is valid for all Fresh Partners who acquire a direct new Partner between 26.05.2020 (12:00 noon) and 31.05.2020 (12:00 noon) – irrespective of whether they sign up online or by sending in the completed Partner application form. This promotion is only valid if the new Partner signs up via the Business Booster Starter Set, and while stocks last. The RINGANAchi__ gums will be sent by post to the mentor’s default delivery address.

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